Monday, June 16, 2014

Black Hole Video

Black Hole Quiz

1.What is black hole?
2. What is it’s original name?
3. Who discovered black hole?
4. How big is a black hole?
5. How dense is a black hole?

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hubble Space Telescope Video

 Hubble Space Telescope QUIZ
 1.What is HSP?
 2.Why is it invented?
 3. Who is Edwin p Hubble?
 4. What does NASA stands for?
 5. Write down one fact about HSP.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cloud types

Cirrus (above)
Cirrocumulus (above)
Altocumulus (above)
Cumulus (above)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Name:                                                                                                Class:
Homework – Front

Fill in the blanks using the words given below

Front          Cold Front          Warm Front           Occlusion Front          Stationary Front

1.     __________________ forms when a warm air mass pushed over a cooler air mass.
2.     __________________ forms when  a cold air mass push it’s way underneath a warm air mass.
3.     __________________ is when a warm air mass is between two cooler air masses.
4.     __________________ Is When two different densities of air masses meet.
5.     __________________ is When a warm air mass is between one cooler air mass and one warmer air mass.

Lable The following diagram
                 _________________                  ___________________
                 ____________________   _________________


1 ____ Occluded front brings Storms.

2 ____ Warm front brings thunderstorm.

3 ____ Stationary front brings Days of cloudy and wet weather that last a week or more.

4 ____ Cold front brings Gentle wind, light snow.

Monday, December 30, 2013


        Plate Tectonics theory is another way to explain Earth's crusts move because of different kinds of plate tectonic boundaries and convection currents instead of Continental Drift theory.
        Volcano proves Plate tectonics theory because it form along the subduction zone, where an oceanic plate goes beneath the continental plate in the convergent boundary. Convergent boundary has also form mountain, when two continental plates crush in to each other. mid-ocean ridge proves this theory because it form within divergent boundary, where two oceanic crusts move apart. It also form Rift valley, when two continental crusts move apart. Earthquake and Tsunami occurs during transform plate boundary, when two crusts slide against each other.
        The theory of continental drift was thought by Alfred Wegener had be proved in 1950 had evidenced the Earth's crusts had once be all together in 300 million years ago then separate the continental and oceanic crust slowly through geological  time. Some proves of continental drift is Goal distribution, coal can be found in Antarctic ice cap; plant and animal fossils of the same age have been found on rocks; different types of rock found on each continental today had similar age; all lands can be fits together. These all proves the earth's crusts movement.
        Convection current is a process of magma constantly flowing within the mantle, because of heat from outer core of the Earth pushes magma up to the colder part of earth's layer then sinks down proves plate tectonics theory because magma within the mantle melted the crust during convergent boundary and it separate two crusts during divergent boundary, magma inside the mantle works it's way to Earth's surface and creates hot spot, and volcano.
        I agree with the theory of plate tectonics because all sorts of phenomena proved the movement of earth's crust, like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and so on...


What did you enjoy about this project and why?
     I  most enjoy about this project is to represent my effort to groupmate and quiz them, it's fun to show them my work, and are relaxing when they are taking my quiz.

What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
     The most challenging for me during this project is to complete it on time and get a good grade on this project.

What new skill did you learn form doing this project?
     I learned earth's interior and it's movements, what proves the theory of plate tectonics. 

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
     I need to improve my quiz grade of prediction map because I don't have well prepare when  teacher quiz me.

What would you change about this project?
     I want to change the option of each layer, maybe more choice or can repeat of doing same option or title twice.

Thursday, November 21, 2013



The ring of fire is a area that surrounds the pacific ocean that has highest probabilities in the world with 452 active volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. 


 The Ring of Fire is located around the borders of the Pacific Plate and other continental crusts.


The Ring of Fire is important because it produces volcanoes, volcanic ash fertilized the soil, It also creates islands.

Summary: The ring of fire is the area that surrounds the pacific ocean with large number of volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes, it located around the borders of pacific ocean and other continental crusts. it's important because it produces the land, fertilized the soil.The Volcano is form when the magma inside of mantle (molten rocks) works it's way to surface, flow out from vent, form lava and ash deposits, gradually, it pilled up, and formed volcano.



1. Where does The ring of fire located?
- Atlantic Ocean
- Pacific Ocean
- Japan

2. What dose The ring of fire creates?
- Volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis
- Water, Air
- Heat, ash

3. How many volcanoes does ring of fire contains?
- 452
- 352
- 552

4. What is Ring of fire in your own words?

5. What do you think the name "Ring of Fire" came from?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Continental DriftThe movement of continental crust through geological time. This theory has be  proved by 1950. (大陆漂移说
French: Continental Drift       Spanish: Deriva Continental        Arabic: الانجراف القاري

Pangaea: All land's together. (盘古)
French: Pangaea       Spanish: Pangea        Arabic: بانجيا

creator of continental drift theory - Alfred Wegener

                   Evidence of pangaea:

- Type of rock found on today is similar age.

- All land can be fit together. 

 -  Animal and plants had been found on same age. 

- Coal can be found on the Antarctica ice cap.


Summary: Continental Drift theory is The movement of all lands separate through a geological time. It proved by Alfred Wegener. Pangaea is all lands together, some proves of Continental drift is Goal distribution, Coal can be found in Antarctic ice cap; Plant and animal fossils of the same age have been found on rocks; different types of rock found on each continent today had similar age; all land can be fits together.



1. What is Pangaea?
- All lands seperate
- All lands connected

2.Who's the creator of continental drift theory?
- Alfred Wegener
- Erich Von Drygalski
- Galileo Galilei

3.What is continental theory?
- The movement of continental crust through geological time.
- The movement of oceanic crust through geological time.

4. When does this theory had be proved?
- 1912
- 1958
- 1950

5. what is some evidences that prove the Continental Drift theory?