Monday, June 16, 2014

Black Hole Video

Black Hole Quiz

1.What is black hole?
2. What is it’s original name?
3. Who discovered black hole?
4. How big is a black hole?
5. How dense is a black hole?

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hubble Space Telescope Video

 Hubble Space Telescope QUIZ
 1.What is HSP?
 2.Why is it invented?
 3. Who is Edwin p Hubble?
 4. What does NASA stands for?
 5. Write down one fact about HSP.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cloud types

Cirrus (above)
Cirrocumulus (above)
Altocumulus (above)
Cumulus (above)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Name:                                                                                                Class:
Homework – Front

Fill in the blanks using the words given below

Front          Cold Front          Warm Front           Occlusion Front          Stationary Front

1.     __________________ forms when a warm air mass pushed over a cooler air mass.
2.     __________________ forms when  a cold air mass push it’s way underneath a warm air mass.
3.     __________________ is when a warm air mass is between two cooler air masses.
4.     __________________ Is When two different densities of air masses meet.
5.     __________________ is When a warm air mass is between one cooler air mass and one warmer air mass.

Lable The following diagram
                 _________________                  ___________________
                 ____________________   _________________


1 ____ Occluded front brings Storms.

2 ____ Warm front brings thunderstorm.

3 ____ Stationary front brings Days of cloudy and wet weather that last a week or more.

4 ____ Cold front brings Gentle wind, light snow.