Monday, November 18, 2013


What causes an earthquake?

The movements of plates underneath the Earth's surface.


Earthquake: Shaking of earth's surface. (地震) 
French: tremblement de terre     Spanish: terremoto      Arabic: زلزال

Epicenter: Place on earth's surface directly above the focus. (震中)
French: Epicenter     Spanish: epicentro   Arabic: المركز السطحي

Focus: point under the earth's surface where an earthquake starts. (焦点)
French: se concentrer    Spanish: enfocar     Arabic: تركز

Seismic Waves: Earthquake wave.(地震波)
French: Les ondes sismiques    Spanish: Las ondas sísmicas     Arabic: الموجات الزلزالية

Seismograph: Instrument that measures earthquake waves. (地震仪)
French: sismographe    Spanish: sismógrafo    Arabic: جهاز قياس الزلازل

Magnitude: The strength of an earthquake. (震级)
French:  magnitude    Spanish: magnitud    Arabic: حجم

P-waves: Primary wave, fastest, moves back and forth. (地震纵波)
French: Onde sismique    Spanish: Ondas sísmicas    Arabic: موجة زلزالية

S-waves: Secondary wave, slower, moves up and down. (地震横波)
French: onde sismique     Spanish: ondas sísmicas     Arabic: موجة زلزالية

L-waves: Surface wave, most dangerous, moves both back and forth and side to side. (地面波)
French: terrestre     Spanish: terrestre    Arabic: أرضي

Tsunami: Tidal waves, large ocean waves cause by earthquake under ocean, move along the fault creating a wave  under or above the water. (海啸)
French: tsunami      Spanish: Tsunami     Arabic: تسونامي

Summary: The earthquake is shaking of earth's surface, it cause by the movement of the plate underneath earth's surface.The two plates meet and break into the crust is call fault.The focus is the point under the earth's surface where an earthquake starts. Epicenter is the point directly above the focus. Seismic wave is earthquake wave. Seismograph is an instrument uses to measure the magnitude/strength of an earthquake. P-wave stands for primary wave, it goes back and forth. S- wave stands for secondary wave, and it goes up and down. L-wave stands for surface wave that goes both back and forth and side to side.Tsunami is tidal wave, it cause by earthquake under ocean.



1.What causes tsunami?
- Volcanoes
- Magma
- Earthquake under water

2.What type of wave is most dangerous?
- P-wave
- S-wave
- L-wave

3.Where an earthquake starts on earth's serface
- Focus
- Epicenter

4.What is Earthquake?

5. What is Tsunami?

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