Monday, November 18, 2013



- Normal Fault: One side of rock moves down.   (正断层)

French: Des failles normales   Spanish: Las fallas normales   Arabic: الصدوع العادية

Reverse Fault: One side of rock moves up.      (逆断层)

French: inverser faute     Spanish: falla inversa      Arabic: عكس خطأ

- Strike-Slip Fault: Moves side by side             (平移断层)

French:faille décrochante   Spanish:falla de desgarre    Arabic: خطأ ضربة للانزلاق

summary: The fault is formed when two earth's crust meet and breaks into a crack. There had three types of fault. A normal fault is one side of crust goes down, A reverse fault is one side of crust goes up, and strike-slip fault is two crust  move side by side, they all creates Earthquakes and tsunamis. 
1. What's the movement of normal fault?
- One side moves up
- One side moves down
- Both sides move down

2. What's the movement of Revers fault
- One side moves up
- One sides Moves down
- Both sides move down

3. What is the movement of strike-slip fault
- Both side move down
- Both side move up
- Moves side by side

4. What do those faults create? ____________   ___________

5. What type of fault creates Tsunami and Earthquake? _______   _______    _______

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